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Tips for Staying Healthy In The Fall!

by Rachel Gorman, Lic.Ac.

Traditionally the time to start boosting the immune system is ~3 months before winter (i.e. BEFORE you get sick!), so right now in early fall is a great time to start prepping your body.

In Chinese medicine, each season is associated with 1 of the 5 elements, as well as with a yin/yang pair of the 12 organ systems. The element for Fall is Metal, associated with order, organization, setting limits and protecting boundaries, both emotionally and physiologically. The organ system pairing assigned to fall is the (yin) LUNG and (yang) LARGE INTESTINE. It is common for people to have imbalances in these particular areas during this season.- think colds, sinus congestion, coughs, flus, allergies, asthma, etc.

The Lung encompasses the entire upper respiratory tract including the nose and sinuses, as well as the general immune system as we understand it today. Interestingly, more and more modern research is pointing to the health of our guts as paramount to a healthy immune system- it’s often estimated that “70% of the immune system is in the gut”. Chinese medicine realized the importance of this connection thousands of years ago, well before the concept of germs and immunity came around. This means it’s equally important to have a healthy Lung and Large Intestine this time of year.

So, how do we maximize our immunity in the fall?

  • Transition from Warm Weather to Cold Weather Diet
    • Eat Less or Avoid: raw foods and cold salads, tropical/summer fruits (pineapple, watermelon, mango, strawberry), iced/cold drinks and smoothies, cold breakfasts (i.e. cereal, fruit/smoothie etc.)
    • Eat More/Add: lightly cooked/steamed veggies, root vegetables (sweet potato, squashes, carrots, parsnips), cooked whole grains, fall fruits (apples, pears, plums and grapes, bonus points for cooked apples/pears), warm breakfasts (oatmeal, eggs, etc.), soups, stews, chilis, bone broths, warm teas, garlic, ginger, onion, walnuts and almonds, fermented foods (pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi), cinnamon,
    • Additionally, avoid generally inflammatory foods (sugar, dairy, wheat) as the inflammatory response weakens the immune system
  • Protect your Neck (& Feet!): You will never see an acupuncturist without a scarf once fall rolls around. In TCM theory the back of the neck is the most vulnerable area on the body and where pathogens attack first, so it is important to keep your neck covered, especially in windy and/or cold weather. It’s important to dress appropriately and warmly—no flip-flops in November! When you get cold, your muscles tighten up (and you may shiver) in an attempt to warm the body back up. The body reads this as an external stressor, which taxes the immune system. Plus, we know heat escapes the body easily from the head and feet, so put those socks on and stay cozy.
  • Weekly acupuncture treatment, and, if needed, herbal medicine, is recommended throughout allergy/cold & flu season to keep you healthy, strengthen any underlying weaknesses and imbalances, and ward off illness before it can sink in
  • Supplements:  Consider taking a good probiotic, get tested for Vit. D status* (and supplement if necessary), add local honey to your diet. Root & Branch also offers a homeopathic cold & flu prevention kit, antiviral topical cream, as well as a prepackaged Traditional Chinese Herbal immune-boosting formula called Jade Windspring.  (*Vitamin D is actually a hormone.  In order for it to fully express its potential, the best blood range is 50-80.)




Reduce Your Toxic Load, Improve Your Health!


We all know that the quality of our water, the air we breathe, and the food we eat can have massive impact on our health in the short and long run.  Food additives and pesticides can wreak havoc on the body. While much attention is paid to doing everything we can to improve the quality of the things we put in our body, are you paying attention to what you put on your body?
There are hundreds of chemicals that are approved for use in the United States in body care and cleaning products that are known immune toxins and carcinogens. Many of them can also block the absorption of nutrients, or impair our skins ability to perform crucial conversions to activate vitamins and hormones. Unfortunately some of the most expensive ones are the biggest offenders!  So are the storebrand products.  Read This!

Although I know it can be an overwhelming task, it is very important to start cleaning out your bathroom cabinet and making sure that the products you’re using are safe. This is especially important if you have any health problems, or family history of cancers and autoimmune diseases.

The Environmental Working Group is a wonderful resource for looking up products, foods, and other environmental impacts on our health. They have a database called Skin Deep, which allows you to look up products by name to see how they score on a scale of 1-10, I like to stay below 4.  EWG also has an app for smart phones called EWG’s Healthy Living, so you can check products while you’re in the store by simply scanning the bar code.  EWG has been around for several years and has really dedicated themselves to educating the public on all matters of toxins in our food and products.
There is another new app called Think Dirty which focuses primarily on beauty products, where you can scan the barcode of an item to check for safety and toxicity. It appears they are still building their database but they do have a number of items in there already that you can check.  You can also save lists to your app for easy reference, and submit items to the app that aren’t already there.

So take a moment to download the apps, and look up the things you use on a regular basis.  This is a great way to reduce your toxic load.  In a world where there is so much going on we can’t control, this is a place where we can take the bull by the horns!


A Recipe to Die For!

When we went dairy and sugar free in our house, the thing we most missed was yogurt.  We searched and searched for one that we would feel good about eating, but there is little to nothing on the market that isn’t loaded with unnecessary sugar.  So, I looked for a recipe for coconut milk yogurt.  It was a starting point, and Geoff has perfected it over the last several months.  If you like a nice think, custardy, Greek style yogurt, you will love this!

Coconut Milk Yogurt Recipe




Strengthen Your Digestive Fire & Heal Your Metabolism!

There is a big gap in the understanding of the digestive process if you’re only looking at the Western medical model of how digestion works.  There is a concept called DIGESTIVE FIRE, or as we say in Chinese Medicine “Spleen Qi“.  As you will see in this video below, the Spleen’s Qi (or “energy”) is an important factor in many aspects of healthy functioning person.

Understanding the benefits of nurturing your digestive fire can have a profound impact on your health and your family’s health, and it can last for a lifetime!  Many of our patients come in wondering why, no matter what they do, they can’t seem to lose weight like they used to.  When we start to examine their diet and their current symptoms, we find that the diets that have “worked” in the past to lose weight, may have also contributed to the slow decline of their digestive fire.  Most people are doing what they think is the right thing, but it may not be what is right for them and their constitution.

Essential Oil Corner

Essential Oils are a wonderful way to support weight loss.  Diffusing Grapefruit essential oil helps to boost metabolism and control cravings.  You can also put a drop or two in your first glass of water in the morning, or a couple of drops on the bottom of your feet. Cinnamon essential oil triggers glucose tolerance factor to balance blood sugar!  Put one drop into a smoothie, coffee or tea and enjoy!

**Be sure that your oils are labeled for internal use if you choose to ingest them.

Young Living Essential Oils are high quality, therapeutic grade oils produced without adulteration.  To purchase yours at a 24% discount, click here:
Young Living Order Link

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