All posts by rootbranchom

Natural Remedies for Allergies

Spring has sprung and for the Americans suffering from allergies it has been one of the worst ever.

If you prefer to treat the congestion, itchy and burning eyes, coughing  and other symptoms of the  allergies with  drug free alternatives, here are 7 natural remedies:


Locally grown RAW honey is one way to keep the allergies at bay.  One teaspoon of honey taken daily 1 month prior to the start of the allergy season is a natural way of exposing the body to the allergens and therefore building resistance. Just make sure that it is not given to children under the age of one.


Taking Vitamin C with Quercetin several times a day when the symptoms begin helps the body to decrease the amount of histamines produced by the mast cells in the nasal passages. Since Vitamin C and Quercetin are both water soluble, there is no concern of overdosing. The unused portion will be released in the urine.


The leaves of the stinging nettle plant has an antihistamine effect and tends to dry up the mucous membranes.  Look for high potency capsules and take 2-3 X day during the season.


For immediate relief, try inhaling steam with some essential oils: 4 drops of eucalyptus oil, 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil will ease the symptoms quickly.


Acupuncture is an effective treatment for the allergy symptoms. Acupuncture provides allergy relief by sending a signal to the nervous system to change the body’s response to the allergens when the needle is inserted into a specific point.  ACUPUNCTURE & CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE CAN HELP THE UNDERLYING WEAKNESS OF THE BODY AND THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ALLERGY SYMPTOMS. While many of these modalities listed here can help the symptomatic fix of the allergy symptoms, Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture and herbal medicine) can often help CURE the condition or imbalance that causes the allergies in the first place.


Certain foods such as dairy, sugar and wheat have proven to make many people more sensitive to the allergens. Both sugar and dairy products increase the mucous production in the body that contributes to the congestion and possible sinus infections. Wheat is another common offender. Many people, especially women report a significant improvement in symptoms after omitting wheat from their diets for 2 to 3 weeks. Increased energy, a general sense of well being and lack of constipation are some of the top improvements.


Neti pots clear nasal passages by washing away the pollen grains that are trapped inside. A salt solution dissolved in room temperature water is poured into one nostril and comes out on the other side. This tool has been used since ancient times in India and remains quite effective to this day.  I personally love my neti pot and couldn’t go without it!


In this video I talk about how acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help relieve dizziness and headaches. These headaches and symptoms of feeling dizzy often go together in a clinical presentation, and can be treated simultaneously. TCM can be an effective treatment for the resolution of many types of headaches. Therefore, if the headache is acute (from a cold/flu) or if it is something that you have been suffering from for years, try this holistic remedy!

Acupuncture to help treat headaches and pain of Gulf War Syndrome

Veterans  can now add acupuncture to the list of treatments to help with headaches and  pain as a result of Gulf War Syndrome.  Lisa Conboy (our friend), an instructor at Harvard Medical School Osher Research Center and co-director of research at the New England School of Acupuncture thinks that acupuncture can help the veterans suffering from Gulf War Syndrome.  The study will look at the benefits of acupuncture in managing the headaches, muscle soreness and other pain associated with the Gulf War Syndrome. The group is currently seeking about 120 volunteers living in the Northeast for the study.

Army’s Management Task Force recommended the practice – along with meditation and yoga – as possible options for soldiers who are not responding well to mainstream, pharmaceutical treatments.

Army officials will spend about $1 million on the three-year study, which includes weekly acupuncture treatments over a six-month span for the veterans involved.


Learn about Ayurveda! in this FREE expert practitioner webinar!

Here is a preview trailer to a 1 hour FREE webinar class from an Ayurvedic (the traditional classic medical system of India) expert! If you are interested in expanding your vitality and promoting OPTIMAL health check it out!!! I got this from the medicinecrow email list I belong to which has experts in many holistic fields of medicine. Many of these teachers I have considered studying with myself to enhance my life and health. I hope you enjoy it and share this with those who you feel may be interested in holistic living!

click here to register:

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